The Hunchback of Notre Dame

The Hunchback of Notre Dame

Directed by Wallace Worsley
Runtime minutes
Released 1923
IMDb Score: 7.2

The Ace of Hearts

The Ace of Hearts

Directed by Wallace Worsley
Runtime minutes
Released 1921
IMDb Score: 6.8

Nobody's Money

Nobody's Money

Directed by Wallace Worsley
Runtime minutes
Released 1923
IMDb Score:

Rags to Riches

Rags to Riches

Directed by Wallace Worsley
Runtime minutes
Released 1922
IMDb Score:

An Alien Enemy

An Alien Enemy

Directed by Wallace Worsley
Runtime minutes
Released 1918
IMDb Score:

Shadow of the Law

Shadow of the Law

Directed by Wallace Worsley
Runtime minutes
Released 1926
IMDb Score:



Directed by Wallace Worsley
Runtime minutes
Released 1918
IMDb Score:

The Penalty

The Penalty

Directed by Wallace Worsley
Runtime minutes
Released 1920
IMDb Score: 7.3

The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come

The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come

Directed by Wallace Worsley
Runtime minutes
Released 1920
IMDb Score:

Social Ambition

Social Ambition

Directed by Wallace Worsley
Runtime minutes
Released 1918
IMDb Score:

A Law Unto Herself

A Law Unto Herself

Directed by Wallace Worsley
Runtime minutes
Released 1918
IMDb Score:

The Power of Silence

The Power of Silence

Directed by Wallace Worsley
Runtime minutes
Released 1928
IMDb Score: